Good Managers Garden (Juliana Vislova, Mercury)


November 23, 2022
"Now you are more of a conductor. You're the creator of space to hold for everyone else — to make them more productive and inspire them."


Juliana Vislova is the VP of Design at Mercury, an all-in-one banking platform for startups. A former linguistics major, Juliana is career switcher who spent time as an art director for a digital marketing agency before her design career. After moving to the U.S., she stumbled upon product design and immediately loved its intersection of pscyhology, art, storytelling and problem-solving. Her design path has taken her from the founding designer at Mercury to now leading a team of 20.

In this episode we cover:

  • Career switching
  • Burnout
  • Personal agency
  • Giving up control and trusting others
  • Meetings as work
  • More!